Some inspiration for staying positive

My health is taking up a lot of my mind right now. It’s been five days after near-anaphylaxis from pizza (an intentional reaction recommended by my doctor so I could get blood tests)… and the pain seems to be getting worse.

Every day a new part of my body is targeted. Before I changed my habits, I was having so many constant reactions that it was hard to tell what caused symptoms and when they ended. It’s easy to forget what reactions feel like, even after just a week or two with no major ones.

It’s hard to stay positive. When your body is attacking you, it may feel like the world is turned against you too. Still, try to remember your strength and find reasons to smile. Happiness will not cure everything, but it cannot hurt. Here are the top three resources I use to help maintain positivity.

Eternal Sunshine

This app sends several lovely, uplifting push notifications every day. They’re nice reminders to breathe and appreciate life. In the app, there are guided meditations and prayer suggestions too.

Following community blogs/accounts

I created an Instagram for this blog last week! And, with that, I’ve found and followed several other accounts that deal with health issues. Seeing other people going through pain too can validate your own.

Guided journaling

With some journaling, it’s easy to write down everything awful that has happened to you. But, that gets you stuck in a cycle of negativity. I have a few journals where I intentionally write about certain things. One lists what I’m grateful for, one includes letters to people and intentions I want to set, and another is about my journey with my faith.


Wonder #53- Hobbies. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, hobbies are wonderful. When I draw or write, my mind is focused. I’m able to be productive. I feel better. Hobbies are a great stress reliever and coping mechanism (when done in moderation, of course)!


Something I learned: Just a few months ago, I remember not being able to comprehend chronic pain and illness. I had read something online about invisible diseases and lifelong coping habits, and I thought “I could never do that.” But, here I am. I don’t think I could explain to my past able-bodied self what I deal with now. There is one thing I would say, though: To able-bodied people reading this, remember that just because a person seems happy and doesn’t look sick, it doesn’t mean that they aren’t feeling incredible pain. Be understanding and show compassion. Please. I promise to do the same. 

Editor’s Note: Wonders is a series that is now discontinued from 2018. It examined the many wonders of the world.

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